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Mobile, Nutrition and Well-Being Coach in Lyon.


I strongly believe in education. The applicable and practical one that serves us forever. The one that can be applied every day in the pursuit of health and better quality of life.

I don't want to just give you the steps to succeed. I want to teach you how to apply them daily.

How did it all start?

For many years I trained in my home gym, back in Bulgaria, in the basement of my parrents house. I came up with diferent exercises and set-ups, so i can replicate what could be done in a public gym. I thought i am saving money and taking my time, but the reality was that i was too intimidted to go to the gym. I was afraid to be judged and laughed at, just like I was at home and school. had i not have that basement, i would have stayd the same chubby and insecure kid that is too intimidated to try something new. 

It become my passion and it changed me to a point where i was wrking full time in a gym, helping people overcome their challenges with weight and pain. 

later on I moved to Lyon and felt the same way as before. Not knowing the languige, scared to go to a gym and working out at my girlfriend flat (as much as i could...) I slowly got my confidence back and decided to try the local gym. it was great. then i pieced it together. 

I realised that there are more people like me, scared to go to the gym, and not having the luxury of a basement with equipment. i found out that there are also a lot of expats that would like to start somehow, but dont know the languige. 

This is how the idea of being a mobile coach in English was born. 

Helping people feel stronger, more confident and with less pain, all from the confort of their home or a park.

Wish i had someone like this!

What does a Well-Being coach do?

Makes people be well! But how?

Being fit and healthy is much more complex than lifting weights and eating chicken all day long. Being Well means having less chronic pain and inflammation. It means having more energy and fewer crashes and less need for stimulants. It means enjoying an activity, feeling stronger and more resilient. 

The approach is simple. We identify where the pain comes from and work towards fixing the root cause. Then, having built a strong foundation, we can start practicing different skills with dumbells, resistance bands, Olympic rings, bodyweight, etc. all of this in a nice, calm and secure place where you do not feel judged. 


But that is just one-half. How about a Nutrition coach? 

A nutrition coach is not a dietician that gives you a diet that you must follow forever. A nutrition coach coaches you through the process of identifying eating behaviors, connecting with food, understanding it, and building healthier relationships with it. 

Losing weight is not just fewer calories and more movement. It happened for a reason and the first step is to uncover it. 


How do we start?


We start with a text or an email. 


The easiest way is to fill out the contact form and share your availability for a phone call.

You can do it by sending me a text message as well. 


Then we hop on a call and get to know each other.

We talk about goals, challenges, history of training and dieting. 


From there we schedule a Free Non-obligatory assessment session. 

During this session, you get to know me personally. I also assess the way you move and give you a strategy for improving posture, and chronic pain. 


Then it is up to you, whether you want to continue working with me or not. You are free to take all the advice I give you and implement them in your daily life on your own, without any obligations, absolutely free of charge. 


However, if you want to hire me as your nutrition and well-being coach, there are three options you can choose from: 


Option I - Individual session - 30   |   Option II - Pack of 5 Sessions - 135   |  Option III - Pack of 10 Sessions - 270  

Get In Touch

Thank you for your interest!

I will get back to you as soon as possible!


En cas de litige entre le Client et l’entreprise, ceux-ci s’efforceront de le résoudre à l’amiable (le Client adressera une réclamation écrite auprès du Service Relations Clientèle du Constructeur ou celui du Vendeur).
A défaut d’accord amiable ou en l’absence de réponse du professionnel dans un délai raisonnable d’un (1) mois, le Client consommateur au sens de l’article L.133-4 du code de la consommation a la possibilité de saisir gratuitement, si un désaccord subsiste, le médiateur compétent inscrit sur la liste des médiateurs établie par la Commission d’évaluation et de contrôle de la médiation de la consommation en application de l’article L.615-1 du code de la consommation, à savoir :
La Société Médiation Professionnelle
24 rue Albert de Mun - 33000 Bordeaux


+33 6 63 71 97 69

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